I remember when I first met the 8051 microcontroller. Being interested in Programming and Digital Logic Design myself, I simply loved experimenting with it as it combines both and tests your software and hardware skills for a successful outcome. The fun part is that it's always a go or no-go situation - whatever you build, it works or it doesn't. In either case it's pretty much easier to analyse the problem.

Fortunately, I had enough time to study and implement many aspects of it thus the main reason behind this blog's creation. I wanted to keep a record of everything that I know - just for fun. I am hopeful you will find something of your interest too. I will be posting articles strictly related to 8051 micro-controller. The content may vary according to my mood and situation although I will try to keep everything in order. 

Fact is that I have a job to keep along with other responsibilities so it will be hard for me to write regularly in here but as I said, I will try my best. I may not dive into theoretical details to avoid unnecessary explanations and will mostly focus on programming part - which is important in practical implementation. I will post my own algorithms and techniques that has worked out for me. I suggest you read them for the sake of understanding the concept and use it as a guide to come up with your own ideas. Convert them into scripts and codes and maybe you could do it better than anyone else. After all, programming comes from the inside.

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