Difference between Sim300 and Sim900 Gsm Modem

What is difference between Sim300 and Sim900?

Sim300 is Gsm modem, which is widely used around the world and more Popular among Students and Hobbyists of electronics.

Sim 300 is now upgraded with Improved quad band version which is namely known as Sim900. Here are some thing you need to know about the difference between Sim300 and Sim900 Gsm modem with its commands and features.

After doing a bit web Research, I have tried to answer of some question that comes to our mind at below.

1.) What extra features overcome to Sim900 from Sim300?

  • Sim300 is tri band Gsm modem which supports only 900, 1800, 1900 MHZ band.

  • Where Sim900 is a quad band modem, which support 850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHZ bands and offers Improved GPRS functionality in web enabled applications. 

2.) How Compatible these both modems?

  • Sim900 and Sim300 modem operate from voltage range 3.4V to 4.5V of Supply Voltage.
  • AT command used for CALL and SMS is same for both modems (Sim900 and Sim300).


3.) Why I use the Sim900 Instead of Sim300 Modem?

The answer for this question is depend on your need / requirement of your projects. The Sim900 is the newer version of Sim300 as we know. The new version Supports all features at Present time. If your project is using the Gsm modem for web accessibility, then I suggest to use Sim900 modem. Because it is a newer version and some drawbacks of the Sim300 modem may have been Fixed in this Modem. And another cause we know that older version products are not supported Long time because the world runs on up-gradation path at present time. So, if your Product or project is going to Manufactured for the next Upcoming years, then use the Sim900. It make much Difference for students and hobbyists.

4.) What is Price difference between Sim900 and Sim300 Modem?

Price for Sim300 Modem is,
approx RS. 1100/-

Price for Sim900 Modem is
approx  RS. 1500/-

  No longer price difference between Sim300 and Sim900 modem. The Price given above is approximately Price of them, because the price will change on time to time. But the price difference make always 300-400 RS. between them.

5.) Where can I buy Sim300 or Sim900 Modem?

   If you are a student or Hobbyist, then here are a few Embedded related component vendors who can provide you with almost any sensor, Microcontrollers , Interface boards, Embedded development kits etc.        

              1.)  RS Component
              2.)  Robokits India
              3.)  Vega Robo kits

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